Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) |
What are the System Requirements for Installing
cBizOne? |
What are known issues regarding installation of
cBizOne? |
How to upgrade to latest version of cBizOne? |
If direct importing of contacts from MS
Outlook/Outlook Express fails? |
How to export address book from
Eudora? |
I need to backup Contact, Consultants, etc., where is the data stored? |
How do I share Contacts, Consultants,
etc., with other cBizOne users in my Company? |
What to do when I get the message
'Database corrupted'? |
do I get Microsoft Patches for Windows, Office, IE, etc.? |
do I get cBizSoft tools, utilities, etc.? |
are the System Requirements for Installing cBizOne? |
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Min 512 MB Memory (Min 1,024 for Vista)
MS Outlook 2000/XP/2003/2007 (For certain features related to incoming mail)
MS Word 2000/XP/2003/2007
Internet Explorer 6.01 or greater |
to Top |
are the known issues regarding installation of cBizOne? |
- On Windows 2000/XP, during installation:
- If you get error "Registering dll's or ocx's",
login as 'Admin' and try to install again.
- If you get error 'Not enough disk space', even though you
have at least 100 MB on "C" drive, login as 'Admin' and try to install again.
- On all Windows, if installation fails:
- Delete all files in the Windows 'Temp' folder.
- Make sure you have atleast 100 MB of free space on the
"C" drive.
- On all Windows, when you start cBizLook, if you get
error 'Creating MAPI Session':
- Download
and install correct version of CDO
to Top |
to upgrade to latest version of cBizOne? |
When a new version is available,
cBizOne will automatically prompt you to install the latest version. You can also
download and install the latest version manually, by choosing Help on cBizOne Main
Menu and then click on Download Latest Version. |
to Top |
direct importing of contacts from MS Outlook/Outlook Express fails? |
Under some rare circumstances,
while importing directly from MS Outlook/Outlook Express, cBizOne may fail. If that
happens, export the contacts from MS Outlook/Outlook Express as Comma Separated (CSV)
format. And then import the CSV file into cBizOne contacts. |
to Top |
to export address book from Eudora? |
Eudora does not allow any export
of Address Book. Using Outlook Express, import the address book from Eudora into
Outlook Express. And then, using cBizOne, import the contacts directly from Outlook
Express into cBizOne. |
to Top |
need to backup Contacts, Consultants, etc., where is data stored? |
All your data is stored in one
database file 'cBizOne.mdb'. It will be in the DataPath folder given in the cBizOne
Options. Ex: c:\Program Files\cBiz\cBizData |
to Top |
do I share Contacts, Consultants, etc., with other users in my Company? |
On the Tools menu of
cBizOne click Options to show the Options window. Select the General
tab. Enter the network path of the cBizOne Data Folder. All the users should have
unrestricted network access to that folder. You may contact your system
administrator regarding sharing. |
to Top |
to do when I get the message 'Database corrupted'? |
Under rare
circumstances, due to variety of reasons, cBizOne database may be corrupted.
Corruption does not mean your data is lost. In the Start/Programs/cBiz
menu, select Fixdata. In the Fixdata tool:
- Select File and then click Repair Database.
- If problem still persists, Select File and then
click Advanced Verify/Repair Database.
to Top |
Where do I get Microsoft Patches for Windows, Office, IE, etc.? |
- Windows:
- Office:
- Internet Explorer:
- Database:
to Top |
Where do I get cBizSoft tools, utilities, etc.? |
- cBizRegEntries
- Utility to repair cBizOne registry entries
- cBizBar
- Outlook Add-in for cBizOne
- May be needed to resolve some issues with "Microsoft
Collaboration Data Objects"
- ClickYes
- Utility to suppress Outlook's "A
program is trying to access..."
message box
- ExtractFromResume
- Utility to extract Resume Content or Skills
- Split
- Utility to split a file with multiple email address per line to
one email address per line. The output file can be used to
import into cBizOne.
- CleanEMailAddress
- Utility to remove certain invalid characters from eMail
addresses. Optionally allows to create name from eMail address
(ex. make John as name when email is John@xyz.com)
- RegTLib
- Utility to register a 'Type Libraries'
to Top |
If you did not find the
questions/answers that you needed, please send us your specific
issue. |