Issue of Reflecting the Links Table in the cBiz Dynamic View
Reflecting the link table fields in the dynamic view and x-tabs, even on update the SQL server latest service pack.
When the SQL code is consisting of the Links table, cBiz is reflecting Links table also, provided to resolve this, there should be a UNION command in the code.
Error SQL Code:
<SQL>SELECT Requirements.ReqIntID,Requirements.ReqID as Requirement,Requirements.JobTitle,Requirements.Location,
Contacts.DisplayName as Contact,Contacts.CompanyName as Company,
Consultants.DisplayName as Consultant, "Submit" as Type,"Manual" as SubType,
MLinkInfo.DateTime as DateAndTime,MLinkInfo.UserIDs
FROM Contacts, Links b, Links c, MLinkInfo, Requirements, Consultants
WHERE (Consultants.Private=False OR Consultants.UserIDs LIKE [LoggedInUser]) AND
(Requirements.Private=False OR Requirements.UserIDs LIKE [LoggedInUser]) AND
Requirements.Archived = False AND
(Requirements.ClosedDate > Now() OR IsDate(Requirements.ClosedDate)=False) AND
Contacts.ContactIntID=b.ToID AND (b.FromID=c.ToID AND c.ToID=Requirements.ReqIntID) AND
c.FromID=Consultants.ConsIntID AND c.Type=1 AND c.SubType=1 AND
c.FromID=MLinkInfo.FromID AND Requirements.ReqIntID=MLinkInfo.ToID AND
MLinkInfo.Type=1 AND MLinkInfo.SubType=1</SQL>
- The following image reflecting the links table in the view.

Fig 1.1
- The cBiz is connected to the database with DSN name "cBizFinal1-Nat".

Fig 1.2
- The DSN name "cBizFinal1-Nat" is created with Native Client (ODBC) .

Fig 1.3
- The cBiz DSN is created with SQL Server default driver name "cBizFinal1".

Fig 1.4

Fig 1.5
- The following fig illustrates that by adding the union in the SQL Query, it is not reflecting the links table.
Corrected SQL Code:
<SQL>SELECT Requirements.ReqIntID,Requirements.ReqID as Requirement,Requirements.JobTitle
FROM Contacts, Links b, Links c, MLinkInfo, Requirements, Consultants
WHERE (Consultants.Private=False OR Consultants.UserIDs LIKE [LoggedInUser]) AND
(Requirements.Private=False OR Requirements.UserIDs LIKE [LoggedInUser]) AND
Requirements.Archived = False AND
(Requirements.ClosedDate > Now() OR IsDate(Requirements.ClosedDate)=False) AND
Contacts.ContactIntID=b.ToID AND (b.FromID=c.ToID AND c.ToID=Requirements.ReqIntID) AND
c.FromID=Consultants.ConsIntID AND c.Type=1 AND c.SubType=1 AND
c.FromID=MLinkInfo.FromID AND Requirements.ReqIntID=MLinkInfo.ToID AND
MLinkInfo.Type=1 AND MLinkInfo.SubType=1
SELECT '' AS ReqIntID,'' AS Requirement,'' AS JobTitle</SQL>
Fig 1.6
There is a bug in the SQL server Native client. For that we have to update latest hot fixes.
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