Overview | Contents

I. General

  1. cBizOne Options
  2. Create/Modify Users
  3. Views (Important, please read this.)

II. Importing/Creating/Modifying

  1. Import Companies, Contacts, Consultants, Requirements
  2. Create/Modify Company
  3. Create/Modify Contact
  4. Create/Modify Consultant
  5. Create/Modify Requirement
  6. Import Resumes Single/Batch
  7. Linking Requirements to Contacts
  8. Linking Contacts to Companies
  9. Linking Consultants to Companies

III. Searching

  1. Searching Contacts
  2. Searching Consultants
  3. Searching Requirements
  4. Searching through Notes and All Fields of Contacts/Consultants
  5. Searching through Resumes of Consultants
  6. Document Find - Search for any Documents on your computer
  7. Searching Sent Mails

IV. EMailing

  1. Send a Regular Mail to one Contact or to all Contacts
  2. Send a Regular Mail to one Consultant or to all Consultants
  3. Auto compose and send Resume to a Contact or to a Consultant
  4. Auto compose and send Hotlist to all Contacts or one Contact
  5. Auto compose and send Reqlist to all Contacts or one Contact
  6. Advanced EMail Topics (You may skip this section)

V. Web posting

  1. Post Consultants to Web Sites
  2. Post Requirements to Web Sites

VI. Calendar (Scheduling Activities)

  1. Schedule a Call, Meeting, Interview, Event, Task
  2. Popup Reminders

VII. Notes/Attach Documents

  1. Add Quick Notes for a Company, Contact, Consultant, Requirement
  2. Add Detailed Notes for a Company, Contact, Consultant, Requirement
  3. Attach Documents to a Company, Contact, Consultant, Requirement

VIII. Submitting/Linking/Placements

  1. Submitting Consultants to Contacts, Requirements
  2. Manually linking Submitted Consultants to Contacts, Requirements
  3. Manually linking Received Consultants to Contacts, Requirements
  4. Tracking Placements

IX. Reporting (Hardcopy, PDF, HTML)

  1. Extensive Reports
  2. Printing Views

X. Lookups

  1. Field Lookups
  2. Create/Modify Categories, Groups, Owners

XI. Customizing

  1. Customize Database (Database Designer)
  2. Customize Win-Forms (Form Designer)
  3. Customize Wizard

XII. Other

  1. XTabs - Data Mining
  2. Phone Dialer
  3. Sync with OutLook (Palm, PDA's)
  4. Export Companies, Contacts, Consultants, Requirements,Calendar
  5. Backup
  6. Grab IT


  1. cBizBar Options
  2. Reply to a Regular Mail using cBizOne or MS Outlook
  3. Reply to a Resume Request EMail
  4. Adding Contacts From Incoming Emails
  5. Adding Consultants From Incoming Emails
  6. Adding Requirements From Incoming Emails
  7. Import Resumes From Incoming Emails
  8. Adding Recipients EMail Addresses to cBizOne Contacts
  9. Processing a 'Remove' Mail. (i.e. Archiving a Contact)
  10. Opening the Mail Sender (Contact) in the cBizOne
  11. Removing Contacts whose mails bounce repeatedly (Bounce Wizard)
  12. Adding Notes to Incoming Mails
  13. GrabIT
  14. Duplicate Emails
  15. Attaching (Linking) Incoming Emails to Company, Contact, Consultant, Requirement

Note: Module Logo (cBizOne or cBizBar) is on the top right hand side of each page to indicate to which module the tutorial page applies.